Default Checkbox

Use the .form-check-input and .form-check-label for checkbox.

Default Checks
Disabled Checks
Right Checks

Custom Checkbox

Use the .form-check-input and .form-check-label for checkbox. And filled checkbox used .checkbox-solid-* and bordered checkbox used .checkbox-*.

Bordered Checkbox
Icon Checkbox
Filled Checkbox

Default Radio

Use the .form-check-input and .form-check-label for radios.

Custom Radios
Disabled Radios
Right Radios

Images with Checkbox

Use the .form-check-input and .form-check-label for image checkbox.

Checked Image
Disable Image
Disable Checked Image

Images with Radio

Use the .form-check-input and .form-check-label for image radio.

Checked Image
Disable Image
Disable Checked Image

Custom Radio

Use the .form-check-input and .form-check-label for radios.

Bordered Radio
Icons Radio
Filled Radio

Default Switches

Use the .form-switch and .form-check-label for switches.

Custom Switches
Disabled Switches
Right Switches

Inline Input-types

Group checkboxes or radios on the same horizontal row by adding .form-check-inline to any.form-check.

Inline Checkbox
Inline Radios
Inline Switches

Animated Buttons

Use the .radio_animated through animated checkbox and radios.

Select your payment method
Visa MasterCard Paypal G-pay Bitpay
What is your favorite social media?
Instagram Facebook Whatsapp Twitter

Basic Radio and Checkbox

Use the .form-check-inline through display inline.

Simple Checkbox
Simple Radios

Radio Toggle Buttons

The choice between these two approaches will depend on the type of toggle you are creating, and whether or not the toggle will make sense to users when announced as a checkbox or as an actual button. [any one selected].

Outlined Checkbox Styles

The choice between these two approaches will depend on the type of toggle you are creating, and whether or not the toggle will make sense to users when announced as a checkbox or as an actual button. [multiple selected].